Data archiving

Question 11
Where will your research data be archived for long-term preservation?

Possible responses:
Selected data will be included in the figures and tables of research papers published by my research group, but we have no plans to archive and publish the full datasets. 
As supplementary files attached to my journal articles on the publisher’s web site. 
In the University’s DataBank data repository, run by the library service.
In appropriate genomics databases run by the European Bioinformatics Institute.

Links to university provided information, preservation policies and support should be provided
This information is important and can be used to discuss and inform the researcher on how to make a well informed assessment and decision

Question 12
When will your research data be moved to a secure archive for long-term preservation and publication?

Possible responses:
Our research data are already securely stored in an institutional data server. 
Upon completion of each set of experiments. 
When my research group leader decides it is appropriate. 
Immediately after publication of my thesis. 
Upon submission of our Nature paper, so that the data are available for reviewers.

Links to university provided information, preservation policies and support should be provided
This information is important and can be used to discuss and inform the researcher on how to make a well informed assessment and decision

Question 13
Who will decide which of your research data are worth preserving?

Possible responses:
Myself alone. 
Myself, in consultation with my research supervisor. 
My research supervisor alone.

Links to university provided information, preservation policies and support should be provided
This information is important and can be used to discuss and inform the researcher on how to make a well informed decision

Question 14 
 How (i.e. by what physical or electronic method) will you transfer your research datasets to their long-term archive, under the curatorial care of a separate third-party, e.g. a data repository?

Possible responses:
On physical hard drives that I will bring back from my field site by air. 
By e-mailing files to our librarian. 
By completion of the selected data repository’s Web-based submission form and uploading of the data files over the Internet. 
By use of a the university's central data storage that can automatically package and submit data files to the selected repository.

Links to university provided information and support should be provided
This information is important and can be used to discuss and inform the researcher on improved ways, systems or solutions which might offer more security and data reliability.

Question 15
Who will be responsible for your data, once you have left your present research group?
Possible responses:
At this stage, I have no idea. 
I’ll take my data with me and maintain responsibility. 
My supervisor will make appropriate arrangements. 
I hope the journal will maintain access to the supplementary information files associated with my article. 
My University will assume long-term responsibility for the data I have chosen to preserve in its data archive.

Links to university provided information, policies and support should be provided
This information is important and can be used to discuss and inform the researcher on the options and their possible impact.


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