Wednesday, October 17, 2012

In the beginning...

Data Management Planning tools are a relatively new topic for ANDS to tackle, but for our overseas colleagues they have been around now for a few years.

A number of projects and universities have been tackling the challenges of creating an online tool and here are the best known and most highly visible:

This online tool has been developed by The DCC
Here is the guide: DMPonline guide

This tool originates from University of California Digital Library  
It is based on an earlier version of DMPonline
The work was completed by University of California Curation Centre
Here is the guide: DMPTool guide

Finally, David Shotton at the University of Oxford is busily working on the Oxford DMPonline project
No online tool has been published so far, but the published thinking and analysis has greatly influenced or proposed tool. [the blog explains this with great clarity]

Both in the UK and the USA researchers have to prepare and submit a data management plan with their research grant applications. This is quite different to the situation here in Australia where the idea of a plan is only now being more actively considered by the major grant funding agencies.

Nevertheless, we are preparing for the day when a data management plan may be required either at the time of submission or later once a grant has been awarded.


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